An Act of Worship [Short Film]


A unique portrait of CAIR - the Council on American Islamic Relation - in the first days of the Trump administration as the civil rights organization responds to the new president's agenda for Muslim-Americans.

An Act of Worship • Woman with Loudspeaker

The day after the inauguration we found ourselves at the airports in JFK and LAX filming the response to Trump’s travel ban. The project grew out of those first days simply documenting the protests and the calls for resistance to this policy, as we followed a group of Muslim civil rights lawyers and activists.

An Act of Worship • CAIR California

Laura Poitras’ Field of Vision series produced the short in partnership with Firelight Media for their First 100 Days initiative, documenting the opening salvo of Trump’s administration. 

After it premiered online and at the New Orleans Film Festival, our team began development on a feature-length project continuing where the short left off – documenting a handful of Muslim-American women activists on their personal and political journeys. See the IN PROGRESS section for more details.

An Act of Worship • Coffee Mug with text "I crave coffee and civil liberties"

You can watch the complete short film here, on the Field of Vision site. 


Amy Fuller
design | print | web | apps

The Dickumentary


Fifth Avenue