Sealed in Blood


This short documentary looks at the life of journalist Steven Sotloff, who was kidnapped and killed by ISIS in 2014.  Through interviews with his parents, we delve into his backstory, while a former negotiator and terror expert explains how the US no negotiation policy came to be, and why the American and British hostages were killed while all the other Europeans were all released after their governments or families paid ransoms.

Sealed in Blood on 100Reporters website

Sealed in Blood was made with support from the Pulitzer Foundation and LEF’s Moving Image Fund.  It made its world premiere at the Double Exposure Film Festival in DC and will be available to stream online in 2023.

The project was Executive Produced by Joel Simon, former executive director of the Committee to Protect Journalists, who has written extensively about international kidnapping and ransom.

Film Poster

Amy Fuller
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An Act of Worship